Pirin Mainnet

The Nolus Pirin mainnet launched on May 23rd, 2023, at 15:00 UTC. The current version of the mainnet is v0.4.1. Please, check out the instructions below on how to start and operate a Nolus mainnet node.

Run a Mainnet Full Node

Run a Mainnet Validator

Run a Mainnet Relayer

Rila Testnet

The current Nolus testnet, Rila (rila-1), launched on May 30th, 2023, at 07:00 UTC. The current version of Nolus running on the testnet is v0.4.1. Please see the instructions below on how to start and operate a Nolus testnet node.

🚰 To get Rila testnet tokens, check out the #testnet-faucet channel in our Discord server!

Run a Testnet Full Node

Run a Testnet Validator

Run a Testnet Relayer

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